eSIM based Mobile-ID – “Asan Imza” represented as an innovative case for Achieving Zero Emission at GSMA Event M360 EURASIA 2024

eSIM based Mobile-ID – “Asan Imza” represented as an innovative case for Achieving Zero Emission at GSMA Event M360 EURASIA 2024
The GSMA M360 EURASIA 2024 International Conference commenced on May 15–16, 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. This year’s main topics centered on the digitalization of everything, next-generation networks, and the role of generative AI. The two-day conference brought together industry leaders, experts, and key stakeholders to reinforce the sector’s commitment to achieving zero emissions in the region through digital innovation as a key element of environmental protection. Executives from leading corporations in the mobile and digital sectors, including AI, Cyber Security, Industry Digitization, and Green Tech, were also present.
One of the standout sessions, “Keynote 2: Mobilizing for a Greener Future,” was conducted by Jana Krimpe, CEO and Founder of B.EST Solutions – the national operator of “Asan Imza” mobile digital signature. She shared insights alongside Humaid Al Ajmani – CTO, Etisalat; Vladanka Andreeva – UN Resident Coordinator for Azerbaijan; Safder Nazir – SVP, Huawei; Shirin Aliyeva – Chief Legal, Ethics and Compliance Officer, Azercell; Alima Zimanova – Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company; Rashad Hagverdiyev – Director of HSEQ, the Azerbaijan Airlines, and Pavel Koktyshev – Co-Founder, Eurasian Digital Experts Network as the moderator.
In her speech, Mrs. Krimpe presented the innovative capabilities of the new generation of the crypto-agile and quantum-based eSIM “Asan Imza” (Mobile ID) solution. The solution is implemented in partnership with the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and all mobile operators in the country – Azercell, Bakcell, and Nar – signifies the critical convergence of digitalization and climate action. She emphasized that the advanced features of eSIM-based Mobile-ID enhance the overall domestic digital ecosystem, foster economic prosperity, and enable a greener future. The speaker stated, “eSIM technology is a significant advancement, not just in technology but also in sustainability. Unlike normal SIM cards, eSIMs are built directly into devices. This means no need for plastic SIM cards or their packaging. Using eSIMs helps us improve our technology and reduce waste, supporting our goal to minimize our environmental impact.”
Mrs. Krimpe highlighted the significance of “Asan Imza” as an effective tool for promoting environmental sustainability. She emphasized, “Our Mobile-ID – “Asan Imza” service has processed over 300 million transactions without using any paper. Over just 5-6 years, Asan Imza has saved at least 200,000 trees, akin to a large forest of 15-year-old trees. This shows the large environmental benefits that digital solutions can bring. The paper industry is a major source of pollution, harming both air and water quality, and uses a lot of water. For instance, producing a single sheet of paper can use up to 10 litters of water. By using digital technology and electronic signatures, businesses can greatly reduce or even completely eliminate their need for paper.”
Focusing on the urgent need for Scope 3 emissions management, circular economy principles, and enhanced disclosure rates, particularly in Eurasia, the GSMA M360 Eurasia 2024 International Conference provides a platform for regional and international political and regulatory leaders, as well as executives from leading corporations in the mobile and digital sectors, to converge and foster collaboration. The program aims to catalyze a sector-wide pledge towards net-zero in the region, leveraging digital innovation as a cornerstone for environmental stewardship.
For more detailed information about “Asan Imza”, users can contact “1847” “Asan Imza” Call Center, reach out to social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), visit website, or send an email to<br>For more information about the conference and its outcomes, please visit